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Re: Behaviour of \latinfamily

>>> > `Expert sets, if available, can also be used where possible (for small
>>> > caps, extra ligatures, etc.) by appending an `x' to the family name; if a
>>> > `9' is appended to the name, then a set of fonts using old-style
>>>digits is
>>> > built'.
>>> >
>>> > Vital missing information: how do you persuade it to *use* small caps
>>> > glyphs (etc) from supplied afm files, and which family name are you
>>> you dont have to persuade it, it just does it
>> I've run \latinfamily on a set of afms that included old-style numerals and
>> the result did not include a fount with old style numerals:
>> FontName CaslonBookBE-RegularExp
>> FullName Caslon Book BE Regular Expert
>> FamilyName Caslon Book BE
>> afm name: pckr8x.afm
>> Instruction to fontinst: \latinfamily{pck}{}
>> Result: a set of pl and vpl files none of which used any glyphs from
>> pckr8x.afm.  I've searched the log file for occurances of pckr8x, and there
>> are no occurances of 8x anywhere in it.
>You presumably should have said \latinfamily{pckx}{} to install the
>expertized versions or \latinfamily{pck9}{} to install an oldstyle
>version. Read the first paragraph again!

I have read the first paragraph: it's ambiguous.  Which occurance(s) of
family name do you append the `x' or `9' to?  I couldn't work it out, hence
my question.  Now I know what to do, and I think I know what the result is.
I'll experiment later when I've got the latest fontinst 1.6.

>> Clearly, fontinst did not `just do it'.  What do you have to do to get
>> fontinst to use expert encoded founts?  Is it just adding an `x' or `9'
>> onto the end of the family name in \latinfamily?
>Yes.  Alternatively, if you're using Sebastian's Perl scripts,  you can say
>  perl make-fam.pl [-options...] -expert x <fam>

Right (not that this helps me directly, since I've got no idea how to use
the Perl scripts.  Yes, it is a distinctly non-trivial job to work out: I'd
have to learn all about MacPerl first, and then modify the scripts so they
work on my Mac which doesn't, for example, have a stand-alone vptovf
program which accepts command-line arguments).

Thanks for the help