TUG Bursary Report for 2004

The application deadline for TUG 2004 was 23:59:59 on Monday 10th May 2004 (for the conference from 30th August to 3rd September).

A total of six applications were received from six different countries (Germany, Hungary, India, Morocco, Nigeria, South Africa) before the deadline, and no further applications were received after the deadline had passed.

In the opinion of the Committee, two of the applications were frivolous and without merit (the applicants made no mention of any plans to attend the conference, and apparently saw the fund simply as a source of extra income) and these were dismissed without further discussion. Of the remaining four applications, all were (in the opinion of the Committee) meritorious, and all four were awarded in full.

Considering the financial implications, the total requested (and granted) was EUR 2891 from a total of EUR 3390 in the fund, leaving a balance to be carried forward of EUR 499. The largest single application was for EUR 1246, the mean was EUR 723 and the median EUR 698.

The Commitee for 2004 was composed of Jana Chlebikova, Bogusław Jackowski, Sam Rhoads and Philip Taylor (Chairman).

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