[biblio] ISO 690:2010

Joseph Wright joseph.wright at morningstar2.co.uk
Fri Feb 11 17:27:49 CET 2011

On 11/02/2011 13:56, Sergio Bacelar wrote:
> I have to use ISO 690 style in my dissertation for bibliography.
> I use Latex to write it (TexShop and BibDesk), but I can't find any
> bibtex style for this (I only found a style for Endnote).
> I know that there is recent version (2010) for this ISO.
> Can anybody help me?

According to the ISO description

ISO 690:2010 does not prescribe a particular style of reference or
citation. The examples used in ISO 690:2010 are not prescriptive as to
style and punctuation.

As you can't see the ISO without paying, it's hard to know what it does
actually say. So it's a bit difficult to work out how one might
implement it for BibTeX.
Joseph Wright

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