[metapost] Re: Some observations on turning and self intersection

Daniel H. Luecking luecking at uark.edu
Sat Feb 5 23:21:05 CET 2005

On Sat, 5 Feb 2005, Boguslaw Jackowski wrote:

> DL> I attempted to find all possible ways a cubic Bezier could behave.
> DL> [...]
> WL> Thanks for your analysis!
> Very interesting, indeed.
> Dan, have you programmed (in MP) the procedure of the reduction
> of a general B\'ezier formula into ``Luecking's canonical
> form''? I believe that this should be a part of plain macros
> (if it can be robustly programmed...); or maybe such a procedure
> is a good candidate for MP extension?

I've not programmed anything, there being three problems:
1. There are choices in how one can remove or simplify a term, and
it is not always clear which choice is best. 2. One wants to make
sure to avoid any arithmetic overflow, and it is not (yet) clear to
me whether any such traps exist. 3. I don't have enough time!

I also want to check with some experts to see if the whole set of ideas
is published or implemented anywhere.


Dan Luecking
Dept. of Mathematical Sciences
University of Arkansas
Fayetteville, AR 72101

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