[metapost] Multiple line LaTeX

Stephan Hennig mailing_list at arcor.de
Sun Feb 22 12:50:04 CET 2009

Steve Checkoway schrieb:
> As an example of the usage, foo.mp contains:
> input latexmp;
> input latexmphelper;% The above code and a call to setupLaTeXMP
> prologues:=3;
> beginfig(0);
> % The vbox is because \shipout\hbox is used to write the text.
> label( texmultiline("\vbox{\begin{verbatim}",
> 		    "This is some",
> 		    "verbatim text.",
> 		    "\end{verbatim}",
> 		    "}"), (0,100) );
> label( texmultiline("\begin{lstlisting}",
> 		    "ld sp,hl",
> 		    "ret",
> 		    "\end{lstlisting}"), (0,50) );
> label( texmultiline("\def\blah{4}%",
> 		    "\ifnum\blah=0 zero\else nonzero\fi"), origin );
> endfig;
> end


Jens-Uwe, would it be possible to add this to the latexmp package?

Taco et al., does mplib offer better ways to handle this situation?

Best regards,
Stephan Hennig

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