[metapost] Positioning text in the canvas

Jesús Guillermo Andrade jgandradev at mac.com
Tue Mar 24 22:24:12 CET 2009

Dear Fellows: While reading Mr. Hobby´s guide to Metapost, I tried to  
figure our how to position the text I wanted to include around a  
polygon. My efforts however, have been sterile since there is no  
documentation regading how to place a given string arbitrarily in the  
"canvas" of Metapost.
I use the following statements in order to "embed" the font in the  
final eps file:
filenametemplate "%j-%3c.eps";
fontmapfile "pdftex_dl14.map";
Thus, metapost have access to the biggest font list in my system. From  
there on, I would only have to move it around:

draw "A&M Despacho de Abogados" infont "t1-yvtbc-c";

What can be done in order to position the text with precise  
coordinates without using the label command?

Toda gran idea tiene una desventaja igual o mayor que la grandeza de  
la idea. Ley de Junt.
Jesús Guillermo Andrade (Abg.)
Gerente de Litigios y Corporativo. EDM. AC. API.
Andrade & Moreno S.C. (http://amlegal.wordpress.com/)

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