[metapost] description of glyph operator for MetaPost v1.200

Taco Hoekwater taco at elvenkind.com
Wed May 6 21:41:44 CEST 2009

Stephan Hennig wrote:
> Ryan Van Wagoner schrieb:
>> - Are there any ways to change the color or pattern that is used to
>>   unfill the "transparent" contours for cases where the background color
>>   is not white?
> As far as I know, no.  One can of course copy the picture returned by
> the glyph operator element by element, colouring `white' contours
> differently.  

Exactly right.

> On the other hand, why not using `background' instead of a
> hard-coded `white' for counter-clockwise contours initially?  Taco?

The color "background" is a macro convention that does not exist at
the engine level, so it could not be used. Maybe a future version
of metapost will have eofill support and that will simplify things.

Below is the source code of the slide examples (all three rather

Best wishes,

fontmapline "cmr10 CMR10 <cmr10.pfb";
picture q;

q := glyph 113 of "cmr10";
addto currentpicture also q scaled .2;

q := (glyph "Omega" of "cmr10") scaled .2;
for i within q:
   draw (pathpart i) withcolor .75green;

path p;
pickup pencircle scaled 2;
q := glyph  "one" of "cmr10" scaled .4;
for i within q:
   p:= pathpart i;
   draw p withcolor .75green;
   for j=0 upto length p:
     pickup pencircle scaled 1;
     draw (point j of p -- precontrol j of p) dashed evenly
        withcolor blue;
     draw (point j of p -- postcontrol j of p) dashed evenly
        withcolor blue;
     pickup pencircle scaled 5;
     draw (precontrol j of p) withcolor red;
     draw (postcontrol j of p) withcolor red;
     pickup pencircle scaled 5;
     draw (point j of p) withcolor black;

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