[metapost] Enormous number has been reduced

Juan Arias de Reyna arias at us.es
Sat Oct 23 10:58:39 CEST 2010

Dear metapost list,

I use frequently metapost. Just now I am plotting a function
that takes values in a large range.  I computed the values and put something of the sort:


draw (-6.0888878u, -26334.45476v)..(-6.0666656u, -18845.38216v)..(-6.0444434u, -11996.72051v)..  etc ..(-8.96578u, -38592.46295v)

and get the error 
!Enormous number has been reduced
l.6 m=40000

I know the solution is to scale the function.  Then I have not need to 
use so large numbers.

But then the file  "function.mp" does not contain the true values of the 

For example, in this case I want to use the same values in the next 
plot, in which along this  we put another segment of the function that 
need a value of m=80000.

Also in the future the file function.mp  can be used to give approximately
the extreme values  of the function.  Instead of reading the values, we must
re-scale them with the possibility of error.

It is so difficult to give a reasonable arithmetic to metapost? Or, alternatively, is there a way to do what I want?

Excuse my English,
Best regards, 
Juan Arias de Reyna

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