[metapost] Redefine ..

Troy Henderson thenders at gmail.com
Tue Jun 5 17:09:06 CEST 2012

> All in all, I'd vote for Troy's inital attempt. i.e.,
> the defining of a  3D --> 2D function and apply it to every node.

Well, ultimately, I would like to see this as part of MetaPost itself.  It
would be nice if MetaPost could handle 3D (perspective and orthographic,
but AT LEAST orthographic projections) internally, and I am trying to
develop code for Taco to be able to implement.

Luís Gonçalves (Featpost) and I have discussed this, and it is clear that a
3D implementation should, at least, provide paths of triplets (which is not
currently available).  The technique that I have been using where I simply
construct paths like


is the only way that I have been able to draw 3D paths, although the paths
are not truly 3D (in that they have already been projected), and thus any
manipulation in 3D cannot be performed.

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