[metapost] Source code mplib

Skleroza skleroza at poczta.onet.pl
Sat Sep 23 16:30:18 CEST 2017

I found this C program.
Where is source code. and examples to compiling this simple program
2.1  Simple MPlib use
There are two different approaches possible when running MPlib. The
first method is most suitable
for programs that function as a command-line frontend. It uses ‘normal’
MetaPost interface with
I/O to and from files, and needs very little setup to run. On the other
hand, it also gives almost
no chance to control the MPlib behaviour.
Here is a C language example of how to do this:
#include "mplib.h"
int main (int argc, char **argv) {
MP mp;
MP_options *opt = mp_options();
opt->command_line = argv[1];
mp = mp_initialize(opt);
if (mp) {
int history = mp_run(mp);
exit (history);
} else {
This example will run in ‘inimpost’ mode. See below for how to preload a
macro package.

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