[tex-k] dvitype usage typo

Akira Kakuto kakuto@fsci.fuk.kindai.ac.jp
Mon, 23 Apr 2001 23:12:08 +0900

From: "James Tebboth" <james.tebboth@dashoptimization.com>
Subject: [tex-k] dvitype usage typo

> Trivial point.  The '-help' display for dvitype says output-level can
> vary from 0 to 4:
>   -output-level=NUMBER   verbosity level, from 0 to 4; default 4
> but the value 0 isn't allowed:

In the case of Web2C-7.3.3, output-level=0 is allowed:

C:\tmp>dvitype --output-level=0 t.dvi
This is DVItype, Version 3.6 (Web2C 7.3.3)
Options selected:
  Starting page = *
  Maximum number of pages = 1000000
  Output level = 0 (showing bops, fonts, and error messages only)
  Resolution = 300.00000000 pixels per inch
magnification=1000;       0.00006334 pixels per DVI unit
' TeX output 2001.04.22:1658'

42: beginning of page 1
Font 7: cmr10---loaded at size 655360 DVI units

Postamble starts at byte 421.
maxv=44498944, maxh=25493504, maxstackdepth=4, totalpages=1
Font 7: cmr10

Akira Kakuto