[tex-k] xdvi: use BROWSER variable instead of/in addition to WWWBROWSER?
Stefan Ulrich
Sun, 16 Dec 2001 20:09:08 -0500
Julian Gilbey <J.D.Gilbey@qmul.ac.uk> writes:
[ quote from http://www.tuxedo.org/~esr/BROWSER/ ]
> For example, on most Linux systems a good thing to do would be:
> BROWSER='mozilla -raise -remote "openURL(%s,new-window)":links'
it now has `lynx' instead of `links' ;-)
The proposal sounds reasonable; my only objection would be that
it doesn't make a difference between X and terminal applications
(like e.g. the XEDITOR/EDITOR variable); an X application might
want to invoke `xterm -e lynx' instead of just `lynx' since the
IO of the latter will be lost if there's no controlling tty.
> Would it be feasible to implement this for xdvi?
I guess so; I've now filed it as a feature request on:
> At the moment, the WWWBROWSER variable is not very clearly
> documented.
Agreed, the description of that is really lacking. The way it
works is that it just forks the concatenation of $WWWBROWSER and
the URL, so it doens't allow for `%s' (in contrast to the .editor
resource for example).
> Maybe use BROWSER with this syntax if it is defined, otherwise
> fall back to WWWBROWSER.
Yup, that would make sense.
Stefan Ulrich