[tex-k] teTeX-beta 20021116 and source specials and the syntax package
Olaf Weber
10 Dec 2002 15:19:09 +0100
Kai Großjohann writes:
> Olaf Weber <olaf@infovore.xs4all.nl> writes:
>> The upshot is that source specials are incompatible with certain
>> packages, and fixing that requires changes that would be far more
>> invasive of the TeX internals than the [current] implementation is.
> So what should I do?
> I found out (read: Stefan told me) that generating fewer source
> specials works with that package. Also, the package apparently can
> be changed to just skip the source specials. And then, I could
> abstain from the syntax package.
You can change the package -- not that this change to would a
workaround for a problem with source specials, not a bugfix of the
package itself.
You can avoid using source specials (esp. the 'par' source specials,
which seem to be the problem here).
You can provide me with a fixed implementation of source specials.
> Sorry for the line-noise.
I understand your frustration with this issue.
Olaf Weber
(This space left blank for technical reasons.)