[tex-k] Re: first steps with libkpathsea

Patrick Gundlach texkml at contextgarden.net
Mon Jun 13 21:00:56 CEST 2005

before I try changing SELFAUTO* ..


>> far as I can see there is no other way to achieve the desired
>> behaviour. Is there any side effect of doing so? 
> Yes, you loose the ability for searching along the "other text files" /
> "other binary files" formats and you loose the ability to search along
> TEXINPUTS correctly ("cslatex" has a different path than "latex").

yes, but there are two arguments to kpse_set_program_name. The second
one does what kpsewhich's --progname argument does. So I can find 


by changing the second argument to latex and cslatex. 

And I can search for 'other text files' as well. I have not tried
'other binary files'. 

So it looks as if I can get all features by faking the program name
alone. This is probably the simplest (and bulletproof) solution.


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