[tex-k] Unsupported extra colon in kpsewhich --expand-path

Karl Berry karl at freefriends.org
Sat Dec 15 02:11:39 CET 2007

Hi Heiko,

    This way --expand-path seems useless?

Maybe, but it's intentional, as
  http://tug.org/texinfohtml/kpathsea.html#Default-expansion explains.
--expand-path doesn't know anything about the formats (which is what's
needed to do the defaults), it just does the "pure" envvar expansions.

If I made it use and expand formats, it would be nearly the same as
--show-path, except not as good, because it wouldn't take account of a
potential overriding TEXMFSCRIPTS_programname envvar.

Is there a problem with using --show-path?  Simply:
kpsewhich --show-path=texmfscripts


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