[tex-k] more with mktexpk

Javier Múgica javieraritz at yahoo.es
Mon Jan 7 12:33:18 CET 2008

I reported a moht ago a problem with mktexdir:

mktexpk: mktexdir {!!c:/Archivos de programa/TeXLive/texmf}/fonts//pk/ljfour/public/cm/ failed.

I now can tell something more. It is very easy to write a C program that parses the previous string and creates the desired directory. I wrote it, tested it, and placed it instead of the original mktexdir. However, the message stayed unchanged.

mktexpk does _not_ call mktexdir.exe.
Indeed, if we write on the command line (with the original program)

mktexdir {!!c:/Archivos de programa/TeXLive/texmf}/fonts//pk/ljfour/public/cm/

the program treats all space separated arguments as directories. The first one includes ':', and hence is invalid, and the other two are created in the current directory.

There is another mktexdir, in the web2c folder, but I had also changed its name to avoid any problem. It is a perl script.

I tried moving the TeXLive tree to a path not including spaces (i.e., I placed it directly under C:/), and changed a bunch of environment variables accordingly, but the message is raised with annoying invariance (even if there is no mktexdir at all):

mktexpk: mktexdir {!!c:/TeXLive/texmf}/fonts//pk/ljfour/public/cm/ failed.

1. mktexpk pretends to be calling mktexdir, but it does not.
2. The right call to mktexpk woud be "C:\Archivos de programa\..."

I tried to solve the problem by myself by looking into the sources. However, the code in mktexpk.c would never generate an error as the one I got. I then looked in the kpathsea directory and found the mktexpk perl script, which does correspond to what the mktexpk.exe of my installation does. Here is where the error is issued:

if test ! -d "$PKDESTDIR"; then
  echo "$progname: mktexdir $PKDESTDIR failed." >&2
  exit 1

I don't know Perl so I can't go further trying to solve the problem by myself (well, I may learn Pearl! But not for the moment).

But finally, the version information that I get is

mktexpk 3.5.5,

which does not match the script, nor the C file. The C file includes "Kpathsea-3.5.5" in the version information. It seems that the sources provided do not match the executables ---I am always using the material from the TeX Collection DVI of Feb 2007.
From the information in the files it seems that it is Olaf Weber the one who mantains both.

Thank you again for your assistance,
Javier A.

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