[tex-k] misleading ls-R advice
Felix Pahl
joriki27 at gmail.com
Sat Oct 17 18:05:22 CEST 2015
Hi -- I followed the instructions at
https://tug.org/texinfohtml/kpathsea.html to use the command
ls -LAR ./ >ls-R
to generate a ls-R file. However, this didn't work, and debugging with
-kpathsea-debug=32 displayed messages of the form
= 0
where the double slash prevented the match -- the correpsonding entry in
the ls-R file was
The problem was resolved when I used
ls -LAR . >ls-R
instead (without the extra slash) -- the entry in the ls-R file then becomes
(again without the extra slash), and the match succeeds:
= 1
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