[tex-k] (x)dvipdf(m(x)) invocation and default file suffix

Andreas Scherer andreas_tex at freenet.de
Mon May 21 13:15:54 CEST 2018


It has come to my attention that 'dvipdfm' (on Debian Linux, but also in
a genuine TeXlive installation on Ubuntu Linux) fails to run for

   make; make ctangle.pdf

in the current source tree of CWEB 3.64c. It reports this error:

   xdvipdfmx:fatal: Something is wrong. Are you sure this is a DVI file?

Apparently, 'xdvipdfmx' mistakes the executable file 'ctangle' (created
by 'make') for input instead of the expected 'ctangle.dvi' (created in
the first part of 'make ctangle.pdf').

I don't have a local version of 'dvipdfm' to check, but Ghostscript's
'dvipdf' works in this setting (as well as the alternative 'pdftex' used
in 'make PDFTEX=pdftex ctangle.pdf').


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