[tex-k] Encoding of output

Karl Berry karl at freefriends.org
Sat Sep 29 00:16:56 CEST 2018

    Is it correct, that the output of kpathsea is UTF-8 on windows and the 
    filesystem encoding on unix/linux?

I guess. Outside of Windows, Kpathsea does nothing specific with
encodings. It looks for files on the filesystem (ultimately using
access/stat, in readable.c) and returns the name as found. As a C
string, in bytes. Any encoding interpretation is up to something else.

I see encoding-related stuff in the code on Windows, e.g.,
  fnw = get_wstring_from_mbstring(kpse->File_system_codepage, fn, fnw=NULL);
in readable.c but other people maintain the Windows-specific code. I
have no idea what happens. --best, karl.

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