[tex-k] extra left parenthesis in "METAFONT: The Program"

Karl Berry karl at freefriends.org
Wed Apr 22 00:15:57 CEST 2020

Hi again Hu,

    Section 107 of "METAFONT: The Program" contains the pseudo-Pascal
    fragment "((2^29*p+q) div (2*q)" which has an extra left
    parenthesis. Is this a typo or a wabi-sabi?

It's a bug, but it was already fixed in 2002 (errata.tex, line 977),
and the current printing of volume D doesn't contain it.

    (Sorry if it's already been reported.)

Please check the errata files if you can. I know they are not the
easiest thing to search through, but they're what we've got ...

In any case, thanks for the report. --best, karl.

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