[tug-board] Re: lug breakdown

Karl Berry tex-live@tug.org
Sun, 28 Mar 1999 19:44:55 -0500 (EST)

    not sure why you think Spaniards are poor? there is really no evidence
    for this

Well, I said it was purely subjective :).

Ok, in that case here's a revised list.  Let's throw the Greeks into the
subsidized section (don't they have one million percent inflation or
something?), then we can simplify our lives and have only two groups, as

I'll include Sebastian's number of CD's ordered last year (and my
suggested floor of 3000 for TUG).  I think this indicates that the
well-off groups will not have to pay very much more than cost than the
subsidized groups in order to subsidize them quite heavily (which I
think is appropriate), since the well-off groups will very probably
order the vast majority of the CD's.  As bb suggested earlier.

Will send along a revised lug letter tomorrow morning, I'm done in for

Proposed list of lugs who should pay more than cost:
  20 Aarhus              	<kaja@tug.org> :)
     AsTEX			<astex-admin@univ-orleans.fr>
     CervanTe			<josera@gordo.us.es>
2000 DANTE			<dante@dante.de>
 700 GUTenberg			<gut@irisa.fr>
     GUTH			<jsanchez@gmv.es>
     Nordic TeX Group		<dag@ifi.uio.no>
 320 NTG			<ntg@nic.surfnet.nl>
  20 OUCS               	?
     Tirant lo TeX		<valiente@lsi.upc.es>
3000 TUG			<board@tug.org>
     UK TUG			<uktug-enquiries@tex.ac.uk>
     Kinch                      ?

Proposed list of lugs who should pay less than cost:
 100 CsTUG			<cstug@cstug.cz>
  20 CyrTUG			<cyrtug@cemi.rssi.ru>
     Estonian User Group	<saar@aai.ee>
     Greek TeX Friends Group	<apostolo@platon.ee.duth.gr>
  50 GUST			<ekotp@univ.gda.pl>
     Lithuanian TeX Group	<vytass@ktl.mii.lt>
     TeXCeH			<Tex.Ceh@fmf.uni-lj.si>
  25 TUGIndia			<tugindia@mailexcite.com>
     TUG-Philippines		<fpmuga@admu.edu.ph>