[tex-live] TeX, LaTeX and Amiga

Yann-Gaël Guéhéneuc yann-gael@gueheneuc.net
Mon, 27 Jan 2003 12:44:27 +0100

    Dear Sir,

    I am looking for an implementation of LaTeX for AmigaOS v3.x.
    I could not find a ready-to-use install of LaTeX for Amiga v3.x so far,
so I would like to install TeX and then LaTeX (and eventually package all
this to make it easier for other people). On the page
http://www.tug.org/interest.html#free it says that the TeX-Live CD-ROM
contains a version of TeX for the Amiga. However, when I browsed the
contents of the CD-ROM for supported systems
(http://www.tug.org/tex-live.html#systems) I could not find an Amiga
version, is it still available?

    Thank you very much in advance!
    Best regards,

      Send food and drugs, no bombs
   Together against the death penalty
"I have seen things  you people would not
believe.  Attack ships on  fire  off  the
shoulder  of  Orion.  I  watched  C-beams
glitter in the  dark near  the Tannhauser
gate.  All those  moments will be lost in
time like tears in the rain.
Time to die."
       Roy Batty - Blade Runner