[tex-live] severe CJK and TeXLive problems

Werner LEMBERG wl at gnu.org
Mon Feb 9 10:57:54 CET 2004

[Sebastian, sorry for getting this twice.]

Dear Sebastian,

it seems that there have been severe misunderstandings between you and
me regarding the various archives which I've sent to you for updating
the CJK support on the latest TeXLive CD.  My stuff was really meant
as an update; in addition, a file `foo' to be removed has been marked
as `foo.remove'; a diff with `foo.diff', etc.  Everything else should
stay as-is, but somehow this has failed.  As a result, both Korean and
Japanese fonts have been erroneously removed from the TeXLive tree.
Funnily, Japanese metric files are still there, but no outlines.

I asked a few times whether my changes have been applied, and you
answered `not yet'; consequently, I missed to check before the release
whether everything is OK.

How can this be fixed gracefully?  I really would like to take away
the burden from you to manage the CJK package -- is it possible to get
CVS access (or whatever) to the TeXLive tree used for the CD
production?  Additionally, I want to provide some archives to fix the
problems so that users can download them from the TeXLive error


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