[tex-live] Re: context / directory structure

Thomas Esser te at dbs.uni-hannover.de
Fri May 7 06:01:04 CEST 2004

> - Regarding the map files:
> Hans, I agree with you that map/dvips is being used "generically".
> The name map/generic might be better.  Thomas?

I don't care to much about this. Both have their pro and cons. Against
"generic" is that there is nothing like a generic map file. Other
applications have their own completely different font map files (X
windows, dvipdfm). So, map/generic might ba as misleading as map/dvips.

> And as Hans said, the idea of (future) different enc syntaxes being in xml,
> or based on the underlying format (ps, svg, ...), makes sense.  So maybe
> we should have enc/ps instead of enc/dvips, since again, "dvips" is being
> used generically there.

I am no font wizard, so I'll just follow that if it makes sense. What's
"underlying format" precisely? I guess that "ps" means that these enc
files can be send to a ps interpreter.

> then there will be different paths.  For instance, pdftex might need
> PDFTEXMAPPATH=texmf/map/pdftex:texmf/map//
> (I don't know what it uses for searching now.)
> Of course if the names are unique, it doesn't matter.

If we can't assume unique names, we'll run into trouble. Search paths
like this look simple, but how to deal with more than one texmf tree?
People having
in their local tree will get very suprised if pdftex reads
from the system's tree (with lower priority in the TEXMF list).

All I want to say is: we have to be more careful about some "hidden"

> The whole enc/map situation is poorly understood by users (including
> me!) and poorly documented (that I've found).  Thomas/Hans, would it
> possible to write something short stating exactly how to use updmap,
> texfont, (other tools?), to install a new font, or list the fonts
> available?  (Those are the two most common desires, in my experience.)

The idea of updmap is simple. The tool comes with a configuration that
manages all map files that come with the system. The applications (pdftex,
xdvi, dvips, ...) are set up to read the map files that updmap generates;
not the small "map file modules". Users can set a few preferences, e.g.
if they want to embed the base14 fonts (for generating pdf) or if they
prefer bitmap fonts (for those cases that both formats are available).

One can list the configuration of updmap by
  updmap --listmaps | grep '^Map'
and look at the map files to find out more.

To add a map file, one just edits the config file (updmap --edit).
As an alternative, one can use a cli for updmap, e.g.
  updmap --nohash --nomkmap --setoption pdftexDownloadBase14 true
  updmap --nohash --nomkmap --enable Map fancy.map
  updmap # regenerate the map files

More information:

$ updmap --help
Usage: updmap [option] ... [command]

Valid options:
  --cnffile file             specify configuration file
  --dvipsoutputdir directory   specify output directory (dvips syntax)
  --pdftexoutputdir directory  specify output directory (pdftex syntax)
  --dvipdfmoutputdir directory specify output directory (dvipdfm syntax)
  --outputdir directory      specify output directory (for all files)
  --nohash                   do not run texhash
  --nomkmap                  do not recreate map files
  --quiet                    reduce verbosity

Valid commands:
  --edit                     edit updmap.cfg file
  --help                     show this message
  --showoptions item         show alternatives for options
  --setoption option value   set option where option is one
                             of dvipsPreferOutline, LW35, dvipsDownloadBase35
                             or pdftexDownloadBase14
  --enable maptype mapfile   add or enable a Map or MixedMap
  --disable mapfile          disable Map or MixedMap for mapfile
  --listmaps                 list all active and inactive maps

$ VISUAL=cat updmap --edit
# dvipsPreferOutline
# Should dvips (by default) prefer bitmap fonts or outline fonts
# if both are available? Independend of this setting, outlines
# can be forced by putting "p psfonts_t1.map" into a config file
# that dvips reads. Bitmaps (for the fonts in question) can
# be forced by putting "p psfonts_pk.map" into a config file.
# We provide such config files which can be enabled via
# dvips -Poutline ... resp. dvips -Ppk ...
# Valid settings for dvipsPreferOutline are true / false:
dvipsPreferOutline true

# LW35
# Which fonts for the "Basic 35 Laserwriter Fonts" do you want to use and
# how are the filenames chosen? Valid settings:
#   URW:     URW fonts with "vendor" filenames (e.g. n019064l.pfb)
#   URWkb:   URW fonts with "berry" filenames (e.g. uhvbo8ac.pfb)
#   ADOBE:   Adobe fonts with "vendor" filenames (e.g. hvnbo___.pfb)
#   ADOBEkb: Adobe fonts with  "berry" filenames (e.g. phvbo8an.pfb)
LW35 URWkb

# dvipsDownloadBase35
# Should dvips (by default) download the standard 35 LaserWriter fonts
# with the document (then set dvipsDownloadBase35 true) or should these
# fonts be used from the ps interpreter / printer?
# Whatever the default is, the user can override it by specifying
# dvips -Pdownload35 ... resp. dvips -Pbuiltin35 ... to either download
# the LW35 fonts resp. use the build-in fonts.
# Valid settings are true / false:
dvipsDownloadBase35 false

# pdftexDownloadBase14
# Should pdftex download the base 14 pdf fonts? Since some configurations
# (ps / pdf tools / printers) use bad default fonts, it is safer to download
# the fonts. The pdf files will get bigger, though.
# Valid settings are true (download the fonts) or false (don't download
# the fonts). Adobe recomments to embed all fonts.
pdftexDownloadBase14 true

# dvipdfmDownloadBase14
# Should dvipdfm download the base 14 pdf fonts? Since some configurations
# (ps / pdf tools / printers) use bad default fonts, it is safer to download
# the fonts. The pdf files will get bigger, though.
# Valid settings are true (download the fonts) or false (don't download
# the fonts).
dvipdfmDownloadBase14 true

# Map files.
# There are two possible entries: Map and MixedMap. Both have one additional
# argument: the filename of the map file. MixedMap ("mixed" means that
# the font is available as bitmap and as outline) lines will not be used
# in the default map of dvips if dvipsPreferOutline is false. Inactive
# Map files should be marked by "#! " (without the quotes), not just #.

# AntykwaPoltawskiego; CTAN:fonts/psfonts/polish/antp/
Map antp.map

# AntykwaTorunska; CTAN:fonts/psfonts/polish/antt/
Map antt.map

That's my words on updmap...


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