[tex-live] Debian Packages of TeXlive

Frank Küster frank at kuesterei.ch
Fri Jan 14 17:10:19 CET 2005

karl at freefriends.org (Karl Berry) schrieb:

>     There's no web or ftp access?
> You can browse the current hierarchy at http://tug.org/texlive/devsrc.
> There's no history or other webcvs features there, it's just Apache
> showing the directories, but hopefully it's better than nothing.

Thank you (also to Norbert for the sarovar link). What I found
particularly interesting (although it isn't related to Debian packaging)
was the ctan2tds.pl script.

I have seen thread in de.comp.text.tex coming up a couple of times where
people dreamed of a platform-independent installer program that would
fetch updated versions of any package from CTAN and install them into a
local hierarchy. As far as I remember, the dreaming never got into an
implementation because everybody said that it would be practically
impossible to find out the right destination directories (and the
correct commands for building the documentation), or to keep a list of
these. But it seems it is already there!

Regards, Frank
Frank Küster
Inst. f. Biochemie der Univ. Zürich
Debian Developer

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