[tex-live] install a package called powerdot

Staszek Wawrykiewicz staw at gust.org.pl
Sun Apr 9 06:39:24 CEST 2006

On Sat, 8 Apr 2006, Karl Berry wrote:

>> ctan/macros/latex/contrib/powerdot/
>> then asked it to install the package and the program crashes (numerous
>> times). Perhaps I don't know which directory to include?
>> I know that I am doing something wrong but cannot figure out what is
>> wrong. Anyone to help?
> I assume you're on Windows.  I'm not sure exactly sure which directory
> the Windows program wants to be told, but I believe it's something under
> texlive/..., rather than ctan/...  Maybe
> ctan/texmf-dist/tpm/powerdot.tpm is what it needs to read.  Staszek, Pawel?
> Also, powerdot was actually included in TeX Live 2005 already, so
> perhaps it's already there?  It should be if you did the "full" install.

Well, it is not so clear for me what operating system is in use. Anyway, 
a package *as distributed* on CTAN should be installed (sometimes
preprocessed before the installation) according to the attached 
documentation (if available). CTAN is a world wide repository of 
(La)TeX's packages prepared by so many authors, but also in so many 
ways, that means: not always "ready-to-run"...

Please, do never install packages directly from CTAN using TL tools like
install-pkg.sh (unix/linux) or tlpmgui (windows), as they are designed
only for the TeX Live CD/DVD distribution (hence then ready-to-run).

Ps. as for powerdot, CTAN has now an updated version, so you can consider
to install the needed (working) files for your own in 
Do not forgot to run mktexlsr after that.

Staszek Wawrykiewicz
StaW at gust.org.pl

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