[tex-live] teTeX: no next release

David Kastrup dak at gnu.org
Mon May 22 17:13:38 CEST 2006

Hans Hagen <pragma at wxs.nl> writes:

> David Kastrup wrote:
>> \ifnum\lastnodetype<13 evaluating to true under certain circumstances
>> when \lastnotetype is 13, I am not kidding you), partly depending on
> that's a known etex bug which has been solved long ago (actually, it was 
> first solved in fptex -)

Interesting.  "long ago" does not seem to imply the last MikTeX
release, though.  The code in question was something like

\ifnum\lastnodetype<13 \message{error with node type \the\lastnodetype}

Could you give some pointer or clue to the respective error report and
symptoms?  The problem is that I am using \lastnodetype quite a lot
and it would be quite helpful to me to know how I can avoid failure
with this bug short of sending the customer a dozen different versions
until one works with the current version of MikTeX.

>> whether the files are DOS or Unix-ended...  And these problems are
> you mean line ending probblems?

No, I mean buggy behavior (like MikTeX aborting without error message)
that is triggered when line endings differ, while not being logically
connected with the line endings.  Stuff that makes one suspect
off-by-one errors in line ending treatment corrupting memory.  MikTeX
does get along with various line endings _mostly_ but sometimes there
are crashes that can be fixed by changing the line endings.

> well, fptex binaries are as good as the other web2c binaries
> (tetex/gwtex), and if there are discepancies, it's just a side
> effect of the code base not being cross platform (ask fabrice -)

Problem is that customer will not be able to assemble his own
distribution, so a useful TeXlive out of the box with fp binaries
would be more or less what I'd need to break the MikTeX dependency...

David Kastrup, Kriemhildstr. 15, 44793 Bochum

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