[tex-live] latex tpm dependencies

Karl Berry karl at freefriends.org
Tue Oct 10 02:16:03 CEST 2006

    nice to add these checks to the generation, 

Well, I'm not sure if it's desirable, actually.  There would be probably
be quite a few common dependencies for virtually all LaTeX packages.
I'm not excited about cluttering up the tpm's with them.

So far, the dependencies have mostly been done at the collection level.
Coarse-grained but basically effective, for current purposes.

I highly doubt there is any automatic way to add them.  It certainly
does not suffice to grep for \RequirePackage.  There is also
\usepackage, package options which can imply other packages, conditional
loading, macro redefinitions, you name it.  Not feasible.

I am guessing from your msg that gentoo is choosing to create a gentoo
package from each TL package (hundreds and hundreds of them).  Is that
right?  I advise against it, precisely because of this dependency
problem, among others.  Debian's method of creating a Debian package
from each collection seemed to work out ok?


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