[tex-live] tl doc formats

Staszek Wawrykiewicz staw at gust.org.pl
Sat Sep 9 06:07:52 CEST 2006

On Fri, 8 Sep 2006, David Kastrup wrote:

> TeXlive contains DVI viewers.  It does not contain PDF viewers.  So I
> really don't understand how you gather that the users will be able to
> view PDF without problems, but not DVI, if what they have is a TeXlive
> DVD.

Well, in practice, any pdf viewer is already available for the users.
On the other hand, dvi previewers needs fonts to be installed
(or proper .map files available for the run). We can find more examples, 
where DVI could make some problems.
> > Eh, well, providing that *all* dvi viewers can accept source
> > specials in the same manner (I've learned that "source specials"
> > could be missuderdstood between different TeX distributions).
> We are not talking about different TeX distributions here but about
> TeXlive.  So we need only worry about the viewers in that.

I'm not sure if "source special" is implemented for both previewers
(like xdvi and windvi). As for Windows, we are going perhaps to switch to 
dviout, nobody knows at the moment, but let me try to be 
optimistic... Please keep in mind, that I'm still trying to ride both
horses (Linux and Windows), but I feel more and more lonely...
> > Ps. David, I really like your effort to the TeX community (not to
> > mention fine guitar playing and climbing the Bachotek hut :-), but
> > would you please to stop any comments concerning Windows?
> You lost me there.  Could you please point out where I would have
> commented on Windows?

Well, I'm so unhappy for that comment, but could you please 
check your messages e.g. from June?

Staszek Wawrykiewicz
StaW at gust.org.pl

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