[tex-live] tlpmgui and linux

Staszek Wawrykiewicz staw at gust.org.pl
Wed Jan 3 05:02:06 CET 2007

I'd like to announce still experimental (but very nice) GUI installer
for TL on Linux. This is an alternative for install-tl.sh and it uses 
quite the same logic. Please try running setuptl/tlpmgui.
After installation and setting the PATH, tlpmgui
can be run again to add (or remove) collections or individual packages
and to make some maintenance tasks. Both messages and help files can
be easily localized (we already have Chech/Slovak, English, German
and Polish; btw. we would like to ask our friends to check again and make 
small updates to "help" and "msgs" strings). 

tlpmgui can be quickly prepared for any other u*x platform having Tcl-Tk.
Please check
for sources (there is also svn service for anybody interested).

We would like to ask for some suggestions:
1. we keep tlpmgui and auxiliary stuff in the separate to TL's bin 
   directory, so if we have such program for (some) other u*x platform,
   how should we (re)name it for each platform?
2. where to copy tlpmgui et all during installation for later use (adding/
   removing packages and maintenance)?

It seems that it would be quite easy to add to tlpmgui the possibility
to update packages from the network. All we need is to have available
ziped packages in the TL's repository (the packages are already updated 
all the year, anyway).

Thanks in advance for any comments,

Staszek Wawrykiewicz
StaW at gust.org.pl

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