[tex-live] TeX Live on NetBSD: first steps

Jukka Salmi j+tex-live at 2007.salmi.ch
Thu Jun 14 11:43:41 CEST 2007

Reinhard Kotucha --> tex-live (2007-06-13 21:26:05 +0200):
> Jukka Salmi writes:
>  > Hi,
>  > 
>  > I'm trying install TeX Live on a NetBSD system because I want to use
>  > LaTeX. Building the [1]sources using the `Build' script worked (almost)
>  > out of the box, so now I have a TeX Live installation in `inst/'.
>  > 
>  > What steps do I have to take next? Except for moving the `inst/'
>  > contents to the desired destination... E.g. I tried to run latex and
>  > failed:
>  > 
>  > $ PATH=/usr/local/src/texlive/inst/bin/i386-unknown-netbsdelf4.99.20:$PATH
>  > $ MANPATH=/usr/local/src/texlive/inst/man:$MANPATH
> This is probably the wrong way.  TeXLive-2007 works.

Sure, but unfortunately not for all definitions of `work' ;-)

> The only thing
> missing are binaries for your platform.  The best solution is to
> install TeXLive-2007 and add the missing files _only_.
> Simply install TeXLive as it is (maybe without any binaries).  Then
> get the Build tree and put it into a completely separate directory.
> You need the Build tree for nothing else but for compiling the
> binaries.  
> And _don't_ use the current Build tree from the repository, check out
> branches/branch2007/Build instead of trunk/Build.

...and branch2007/Build contains exactly what the source tarball from
the iso image contains, isn't it? Anyway that's what I've used.

BTW, I had to use Google to find the TeX Live [1]repository; I can't
find a link to it from the project' [2]home page. Am I missing something
or is there really no link?

> The reason is that you probably get into trouble with pool files if
> you are using the current sources.
> Run the Build script and copy the binaries (and only the binaries) to
> the appropriate directory in the TeXLive tree, for instance
> /Path/to/TeXLive/bin/i386-netbsd.  Make sure that symlinks are copied
> as symlinks.
> Set $PATH accordingly and run:
>     texconfig init
> This will create all the format files.
> The most important thing is that you do not use anything else but the
> binaries from the inst tree.  Everything else in inst which is useful
> is already in the TL-2007 distribution.

OK, thanks. I tried to follow your hints: I installed TL by running
`install-tl.sh' from the `inst' CD (see attached installation log) and
copied the bin directory from the TL build to where I installed TL.
But `texconfig init' failed:

$ ls /b/tmp/jukka/texlive/2007 
bin/         texmf/       texmf-dist/  texmf-doc/   texmf-local/ texmf-var/
$ PATH=/b/tmp/jukka/texlive/2007/bin:$PATH
$ texconfig init
/b/tmp/jukka/texlive/2007/bin/fmtutil: /b/tmp/jukka/texlive/texmf/texconfig/tcfmgr: not found
fmtutil: config file `fmtutil.cnf' not found.

And, where are the info, man, share, include, etc. directories which
were created in `inst/' when I ran the build script? Are they not
installed by default or does this indicate something went wrong?


Regards, Jukka

[1] http://www.tug.org/texlive/svn/
[2] http://www.tug.org/texlive/

bashian roulette:
$ ((RANDOM%6)) || rm -rf ~
-------------- next part --------------
==================> TeX Live installation procedure <=================

===> Note: Letters/digits in <angle brackets> indicate menu items <===
===>       for commands or configurable options                   <===

    Proposed platform: 
    <P> over-ride system detection and choose platform
    <B> binary systems:         0 out of  3
    <S> Installation scheme (scheme_full)
    [customizing installation scheme:
       <C> standard collections   <L> language collections]
    82 out of 85, disk space required: 1111249 kB
    <D> directories:
      TEXDIR      (The main TeX directory)        : /b/tmp/jukka/texlive/2007     
      TEXMFLOCAL  (Directory for local styles etc): /b/tmp/jukka/texlive/2007/texmf-local
      TEXMFSYSVAR (Directory for local config)    : /b/tmp/jukka/texlive/2007/texmf-var
    <O> options:
       [ ] alternate directory for generated fonts ()
       [ ] create symlinks in standard directories
       [ ] do not install macro/font doc tree
       [ ] do not install macro/font source tree
    <I> start installation
    <H> help,  <Q> quit

Enter command: I
Preparing destination directories... done preparing.
Preparing list of files to be installed...

  Essential programs and files 
  Extra BibTeX styles 
  TeX auxiliary programs 
  ConTeXt format 
  Base documentation 
  Bulgarian documentation 
  Chinese documentation 
  Czechslovak documentation 
  Dutch documentation 
  English documentation 
  Finnish documentation 
  French documentation 
  German documentation 
  Greek documentation 
  Italian documentation 
  Japanese documentation 
  Korean documentation 
  Mongolian documentation 
  Polish documentation 
  Portuguese documentation 
  Russian documentation 
  Spanish documentation 
  Thai documentation 
  Turkish documentation 
  Ukrainian documentation 
  Vietnamese documentation 
  TeX font-related programs 
  Extra fonts 
  Recommended fonts 
  Extra formats 
  Games typesetting (chess, etc) 
  Miscellaneous extra generic macros 
  Miscellaneous generic macros 
  Graphics tools 
  HTML/SGML/XML support 
  LaTeX support for the humanities 
  Basic LaTeX packages 
  LaTeX3 packages 
  LaTeX supplementary packages 
  LaTeX recommended packages 
  Advanced math typesetting 
  MetaPost (and Metafont) drawing packages 
  Music typesetting 
  Packages for drawings graphics 
  Plain TeX supplementary packages 
  PSTricks packages 
  PostScript and Truetype utilities 
  Support for publishers 
  Typesetting for natural and computer sciences 
  GNU Texinfo 
  TrueType font manipulation 
  XeTeX macros 

  African scripts 
  Chinese, Japanese, Korean 
  Greek typesetting 
  Other hyphenation files 
  UK English 
Initializing texmf-var...

Unpacking zip files for packages...
Done unpacking.
Fixing permissions in /b/tmp/jukka/texlive/2007... done.
Setting up directories for automatic font creation... done.
Configuring fmtutil.cnf from /b/tmp/jukka/texlive/2007/texmf/web2c  into  /b/tmp/jukka/texlive/2007/texmf-var/web2c... 
Setting local tree (TEXMFLOCAL) to $SELFAUTOPARENT/texmf-local in /b/tmp/jukka/texlive/2007/texmf/web2c/texmf.cnf... 
Setting system var tree (TEXMFSYSVAR) to $SELFAUTOPARENT/texmf-var in /b/tmp/jukka/texlive/2007/texmf/web2c/texmf.cnf... 
Setting TEXMFHOME to $HOME/texmf in /b/tmp/jukka/texlive/2007/texmf/web2c/texmf.cnf... 
Done updating texmf.cnf.

Testing for /b/tmp/jukka/texlive/2007/bin//texconfig....

See ./index.html for links to documentation.
The TeX Live web site (http://tug.org/texlive/)
contains any updates and corrections.

TeX Live is a joint project of the TeX user groups around the world;
please consider supporting it by joining the group best for you.  
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