[tex-live] texlive-xetex and accents bug
Meho R.
meho_r at yahoo.com
Mon Jun 30 14:24:09 CEST 2008
I noticed a bug in texlive-xetex package that is shipped with Ubuntu 8.04 (texlive-xetex 2007.dfsg.1-2), but today I noticed that this exists in openSUSE 11's package too (texlive-xetex 2007-177.1). I reported this at:
since I thought that's only in Ubuntu, but it seems that this is texlive-xetex bug in general. Description of bug is:
If using "\=" and "\^" commands for accents after which later in the
word comes "-" with "xelatex" run, characters between accents and "-"
are repeated twice, so, e.g., if entered this: "Uj\=unul-eser" one gets
this as a result: "Ujûnul-nul-eser" instead of "Ujûnul-eser". Jonathan
said that this was a bug that was fixed around August 20, 2007, but it
seems that it is still present in Hardy version of texlive-xetex.
Choice of font doesn't influence the result, it is same for .otf, .ttf,
pfb. Plain LaTeX hasn't this problem.
Note that in Debian Sid's repo (texlive-xetex 2007.dfsg.1-2) this bug was corrected.
Here's a sample code to test it:
Here is sample code for "xelatex" run:
\setmainfont{URW Palladio L}
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