[tex-live] {config,psfonts}.{ams,cm} and .{amz,cmz}

Karl Berry karl at freefriends.org
Wed Feb 4 19:33:24 CET 2009

I have been working with the AMS on packaging the new release of
amsfonts.  On CTAN, the following dvips-related files exist:

    2002/08/31 |    167 | fonts/cm/ps-type1/bluesky-contrib/dvips/config.ams
    2002/08/31 |    258 | fonts/cm/ps-type1/bluesky-contrib/dvips/config.amz
    2002/08/31 |    185 | fonts/cm/ps-type1/bluesky-contrib/dvips/config.cm
    2002/08/31 |    262 | fonts/cm/ps-type1/bluesky-contrib/dvips/config.cmz
    1997/06/25 |    490 | fonts/cm/ps-type1/bluesky-contrib/dvips/psfonts.ams
    1997/06/25 |    921 | fonts/cm/ps-type1/bluesky-contrib/dvips/psfonts.amz
    1997/11/11 |   1385 | fonts/cm/ps-type1/bluesky-contrib/dvips/psfonts.cm
    1997/11/11 |   2586 | fonts/cm/ps-type1/bluesky-contrib/dvips/psfonts.cmz

Is anyone knowingly/explicitly using any of them now?  It looks to me
like updmap does not.

config.{amz,cmz} (+p lines for dvips) and their companions
psfonts.{amz,cmz} (the map entries) were an old way that Thomas had
implemented Type1 downloading for AMS+CM, since superseded.  TL has
apparently not distributed psfonts.cmz since 2005; we still have
psfonts.amz, but that's just an oversight.

The other files, config.{ams,cm} and psfonts.{ams,cm} are about treating
the AMS and CM fonts as built in to a printer (no download).  There are
no options in updmap to control this, and I am doubting that anyone has
such printers in this day and age.

Please let me know if I am mistaken, and/or you are using any of them.
Else they will be dropped.


P.S. The map files and base35-related files are an entirely different
story.  I am not talking about those here.  The above relates *only* to
these dvips config+map files for cm + ams.

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