[tex-live] (no subject)

Tharshini Thangavelu thth4658 at student.su.se
Tue Jun 30 15:21:38 CEST 2009


I have a question concerning the LaTex installation. I believe that I have
everything that I need, but I have problems to look at the output file. I have
written small part of my article and want now to see the result of my editing. 

I have installed the editor TeXnicCenter, the MikTex, the GSviewer and
Ghostscript. When I use the TeXnicCenter for editing for the first time I need
to configurat the winzard. I get the following message:

Welcome to the configuration Winzard following by an explanation. Going forward
to the next step, I get the following message:

Enter the full path of the directory, there the executables (latex, tex, etc) of
your Tex-distribution are located: 

when I enter the directory I get the following error message: The application
'LaTex' has not been found in the directory of your TeX-distribution. Please
enter the directory where the executable files (tex. exe. latex. exe. ect) are
located, as your distribution's directory.   

What should I do? I don't understand the problem? Do I need this to look at the
my output, is this the problem that won't let me to look at my result?

Best regards
Tharshini Thangavelu
Forskarbacken 8 / 101
114 16 Stockholm
Phone +46 (0)735 53 43 90
E-mail thth4658 at student.su.se

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