[tex-live] Non-PDF documentation

Philipp Stephani st_philipp at yahoo.de
Fri Jan 29 11:45:57 CET 2010

Am 28.01.2010 um 19:46 schrieb Manuel Pégourié-Gonnard:

> If you want to track packages with only dvi/ps, your help will be very welcome.
> Please upload your PDFs to CTAN and we'll import them in TL.

How can I add something to an existing packages that was not written by me? Is that covered by the LPPL and by CTAN's upload mechanism?
Anyway, I've written a tiny program that looks for non-existing and non-PDF docs. I've attached the program and the lists that are created on my system (excluding the ucs and german packages). To date, it lists 1213 packages without any documentation (that's around 42% of all packages), and 316 packages without PDF manual (11% of all packages).
The new texdoc doesn't seem to warn about switching to full search mode any more. The previous version of the program also listed those packages as undocumented, adding some 400 more to the list.
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