[tex-live] [pretest] installer generates formats twice?

Ken Brown kbrow1i at gmail.com
Fri Jun 11 16:41:49 CEST 2010

I just did a fresh install of the pretest, and it appears that 
'fmtutil-sys --all' gets run twice.  The output on the terminal is:

done running mktexlsr.
Regenerating all formats, this may take some time ...running fmtutil-sys 
--all ...
done running fmtutil-sys --all.
pre-generating all format files (fmtutil-sys --all), be patient...done
running package specific postactions

But a glance at install-tl.log suggests that it was only run once.  Is 
it in fact run twice?  If so, is that done for a reason, or is it a bug 
in the installer?


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