[tex-live] Beamer and Translator

Robin Fairbairns Robin.Fairbairns at cl.cam.ac.uk
Sun Jun 13 18:51:35 CEST 2010

Vedran Miletić <rivanvx at gmail.com> wrote:

> in version 3.09 I have merged translator into Beamer, since it's much
> easier to maintain it that way and since Beamer is practically the
> only package that uses it (but it's still available to other packages
> in a same way as it was, of course). It's in "extensions"
> subdirectory, as is multimedia.

as is clear from ctan itself, but i'm not sure whether my words in the
catalogue add anything.

> However, latest TL update still has those two packaged separately? Is
> there something I did wrong that caused it or is it normal that such
> things happen until someone manually notices and fixes it?

which "latest"?  it surely won't be in the distribution on ctan, which
is frozen.  if you're looking at the tl 2010 pretest, remember that
you've made a significant change to the structure of the package, so
that re-building will at the least involve some tweaking, so it may be
that tl maintenance just hasn't got around to making the change.

or it may be that there's a mistake somewhere.  what's in the two
packages?  if translator is in an updated beamer distribution, you could
well have spotted a mistake.


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