[tex-live] dvipdfmx on CentOS 5.6 (glibc 2.5)

Karl Berry karl at freefriends.org
Tue Apr 17 01:03:13 CEST 2012

Hi Karen,

    If you would like a set of binaries from my machine for your 
    "collection", I can build again with X-windows included - 

Let's wait and see if someone requests it before you spend more time.

    Even without those things, it took about 
    an hour and a half to run Build.

Not bad :).  You could probably disable a bunch more stuff for your

    Can you suggest where I should put these binaries long term? 
    created a new directory "next door" at

That should be fine.  What's important is that it is under the
/usr/local/texlive/2011/bin/ tree and you have what you need under

There are other ways to set it up, but I think what you have might
suffice.  Except for:

    ** WARNING ** CMap has higher supplement number than CIDFont:
    ** WARNING ** Some chracters may not be displayed or printed.
    ** WARNING ** CMap has higher supplement number than CIDFont:
    ** WARNING ** Some chracters may not be displayed or printed.

I don't know if those warnings are "real".  Norbert?

It would be nice if dvipdfmx actually definitively said "some characters
are missing" (and which ones) instead of that it "might" be the case.
However, we probably should not hold our collective breaths for such a
change :(.

    links are bad in that location (pedigree and pmx), but I have no idea if 

The discrepancies are because you're building from the current sources
but have a Master tree from some time ago.  Anyway, pedigree is about
creating beautiful medical history ("pedigree") diagrams, and pmx is
related to music typesetting, so I don't think you need to worry :).

    My OS already has a lot of the TeX commands

For your purposes, I would strongly suggest ignoring whatever your OS
has or doesn't have.  As you have been :).


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