[tex-live] dvipdfmx and dvips(k): different special psfile output

Akira Kakuto kakuto at fuk.kindai.ac.jp
Tue Mar 1 06:34:40 CET 2016

Dear Ramón,

> I have found what it seems a bug in dvipdfmx.
> It happens using \special{psfile=auxiliar.0},
> when auxiliar.0 is a ps file with llx and lly no 0.

Yes, in the case of MP inclusion, by assuming the use
of dvipdfmx.def or xetex.def, the origin is translated
suitably because the new dvipdfmx.def and xetex.def
requires llx = lly = 0. That works fine with dvipdfmx.def
and xetex.def. But apparently it is bad in the present case.
In r39897 in TeX Live SVN, a new option --fixorigin is
introduced, which disables the translation of the origin.
By using the new dvipdfmx:
dvipdfmx --fixorigin test.dvi
the same output as that by dvips is obtained.


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