[tex-live] Xindy

Richard Koch koch at uoregon.edu
Thu Mar 8 00:07:51 CET 2018

Herbert Schulz reported that Xindy failed in the tlpretest for MacTeX-2018 and sent the
following simple example.

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I built xindy using the new Clisp, but in previous years I used a version from 2010. I rebuilt
this year's binaries using that old Clisp, but that made no difference.

Then I switched to MacTeX-2017. Without typesetting Herb's example, I just ran texindy
on idx files (his example does this three times). All worked and gave lots of output in the console,
while in MacTeX-2018 there is no console output.

I conclude that the latex portion of Herb's example causes no problem, and the problem is
that when xindy or texindy is run on an idx file in MacTeX-2018, nothing happens. However,
texindy does run, and responds to a request for --help.

Any suggestions?

Dick Koch

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