Custom File Location

Herbert Voss Herbert.Voss at
Thu Jul 16 08:30:52 CEST 2020

Am 15.07.20 um 20:06 schrieb Cousin, Christian:
> Good afternoon,

Goos morning,

> Is there any way to store local .bib files anywhere other than in the 
> C:\Users\<username>\texmf directory? I’d like to sync a .bib with 
> other people using the BoxSync software which paths to 
> C:\Users\<username>\Box Sync\
> I can subsequently add the path C:\Users\<username>\Box Sync\texmf\ 
> but will need to point TexLive to the Box Sync directory first.

With package biblatex and bibprogram biber you can save the bibliography
on a server and then load it by the remote key:




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