Fwd: New on CTAN: cyrillic-modern

Norbert Preining norbert at preining.info
Mon May 6 15:06:10 CEST 2024

Hi Arthur,

>   Then you haven’t been paying attention :-D  I happen to know, because


> of the modest role I played in dismantling an actual conspiracy theory,
> that unicode-math was added to CTAN four years after its initial public

I am aware of unicode-math, but that is different, since it was - as you
said - under heavy development. And thus it makes sense to postpone
wider distribution.

Have you a real example of a package uploaded *unchanged* for >=3 years?

Anyway, no need to discuss this further ;-)

> > - a recent discussion on cyrillic not working in luatex
> > made me surprised.
>   Then that’s all the more reason to upload an old-fashioned package to

Indeed, but as I said before, I would have expected an updated README or
whatever changes to make it more "obvious".

> > Also, I would at least change the readme and update the version number
> > before uploading to CTAN, but then, it is not my piece of cake ;-)
>   It sounds like that is what you’re objecting most to.

Probably yes.
But, most importantly, I am NOT objecting to the upload at all, I was
just suprised seeing it ...

Best regards


PREINING Norbert                              https://www.preining.info
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