tlmgr: not verified: valid signature with expired key

Georg-Johann Lay avr at
Wed May 8 08:44:07 CEST 2024

Am 08.05.24 um 02:03 schrieb Norbert Preining:
> On Tue, 07 May 2024, Georg-Johann Lay wrote:
>> tlmgr: Local TeX Live (2022) is older than remote repository (2024).
> Yes, you are running an old TeX Live.
>>> 	tlmgr install listofitems
>> This is now extremely slow.  It freezes for 2 minutes or so and then:
> I am surprised that it freezes for 2 min, but it does ship out the
> correct message.
>> Does this mean that only the newest version of TeXlive is supported,
>> and the version of older versions is dropped?
> The default tlnet via CTAN only carries the latest version.
> You can use the tlnet archive at

Would you explain what I have to do?

I am just trying to fix some Doxygen -> pdf build fails and am
not a TeX guy.

That repo contains a release per day, does this mean that
tlmgr is only valid for one day, because the next day there
is a new TL release?

 From the answers I already got, I'd conclude that tlmgr
is the wrong tool to manage TeXlive packages, so the
big question is:

What's the proper way / tool to manage TeXlive packages?


> Best regards
> Norbert

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