`treesvr` is missing in TL

Karl Berry karl at freefriends.org
Tue May 28 22:31:44 CEST 2024

Hi Denis,

    the `treesvr` package:

If you look at the ctan2tds (internal) script, e.g.,
you'll see I had written an entry:

  'treesvr',     "die 'skipping, await request, 1995'",

In general, the question "why is package XYZ not included in TL"
can usually be answered (to the extent of a few terse words) by looking
in ctan2tds. I certainly haven't listed every single package on CTAN
there that is not in TL, but I've listed all the ones I've happened across.

I.e., the package was written in 1995, Sebastian did not include it in
the original TL (probably just overlooked), and so I figured I would
wait until someone actually asked for it. You've now asked for it, so I
added it for tonight's build :). --thanks, karl.

P.S. For the record, I'm not happy about the runtime filename trees.sty
(instead of treesvr.sty), but it doesn't seem right to ask for it to be
renamed at this late date. If the author is even contactable.

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