[tex4ht] Use original LaTeX Code of equatios as alt-text pictoral equations

Geizhals klammstudi at web.de
Mon Nov 9 15:56:31 CET 2009

<cid:part1.00000805.05070908 at web.de>Hello,

As the standard alt-text generation for equations is nearly useless, 
because it does not represent the formula correctly, I wanted to use the 
original latex code.

I would like to use something like the following code to get the LaTeX 
code into the alt-text when I convert my formula into pictures.
\newtoks\eqtoks \def\AltMath#1${\eqtoks{#1}%   
\Picture*[\HCode{\the\eqtoks}]{ align="middle"}$#1$\EndPicture$} 

It works, but not for the equation-enviroment. And it also destroys the 
conversion to mathml for inline equations, which I also want to use.
Can anyone help me out to get that right?

I have attached my testfile and my configuration file.

Best Regards,
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