[tex4ht] about \dag and \ddag in tex4ht with mathjax

Michal Hoftich michal.h21 at gmail.com
Wed Apr 3 10:31:10 CEST 2019

Hi Nasser,

> My question is why \renewcommand did not work, I
> remember seeing something like this before, something
> to do with order how things are processed?

no, \renewcommand cannot  work as it is not preserved during the
conversion, so MathJax cannot see that. You must use the configuration

> and is it possible to add the above configuration of
> dag and ddag to the official make4ht mathjax style file
> itself so it is there by default all the time instead
> of adding it to the .cfg file?

I think it is best to keep your private configuration file. You can
put the common command declarations to a standalone file, save it in
your local TEXMF tree and include it using the \input command.

Best regards,

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