[tex4ht] Fwd: tex4ht

Bob Tennent rdtennent at gmail.com
Fri Sep 23 23:33:01 CEST 2022

Once upon a time I used oolatex to convert LaTeX into odt.  I now find that
oolatex is missing.  When I look at the documentation for tex4ht, I see the

A translation for an OpenDocument format can be requested by the ‘\oolatex’
command. The command is a variant of htlatex in which the first list of
options holds the entries ‘xhtml,ooffice’, the second list holds the entry
‘-cmozhtf’ preceded by a space, and the third list contains
‘-coo’ (htlatex filename "xhtml,ooffice" "ooffice/! -cmozhtf" "-coo
-cvalidate"). The output of a command ‘oolatex filename’ is a zipped file
named with a ‘.odt’ extension.

So I tried htlatex filename.tex ...   which produced an odt file but
libreoffice was unable to open it due to a format error in content.xml.

Can anyone help?

Bob T.
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