[texhax] \tableofcontents and section numbering

Leonardo Giantini Trabuco ltrabuco at cecm.usp.br
Sun Nov 30 19:38:14 CET 2003

On Sun, Nov 30, 2003 at 12:14:30PM -0600, Phil Parker wrote:
> On 11/30/2003 at 03:47 PM, Leonardo Giantini Trabuco <ltrabuco at cecm.usp.br>
> wrote:
> >When I use \section*{Whatever}, that section does not appear in
> >\tableofcontents, but I want it to be there. What can I do?
> Use \section{Whatever}.

Hummmm let me explain better. When I say:

> > I'm trying to do something like this
> > \def\thesection{}
> > \section{Whatever}
> > 
> > The only problem is that my section keeps the indentation. How can I set
> > the indentation to 0pt in this case?

I mean I'm using \section{Whatever}, whithout numbering
(\def\thesection{}) and it does appear in \tableofcontents. The problen
is that, instead of (these are section titles in the body of the

1 blah
2 blablah

I get

1 blah
2 blablah

So I want to know what can I do (probably in the command
\def\thesection{}) to avoid this indenting.


Leonardo Giantini Trabuco

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