[texhax] Has anyone created bilingual translations with a tex package.

W. Craig Carter ccarter at mit.edu
Sat Sep 6 14:23:21 CEST 2003

I am about to start a translation project and am wondering
if someone else has done something similar.

You might have seen bilingual translations where, say, english
appears on the odd (left-hand-leaf) and , say, the translated
french appears on the even (right-hand-leaf).  The pages match
up so that a reader can check their abilities to translate.

I'd like to do a similar project, with the addition of extra material
such as figures and equations and references, of having an original
and my translation show up side-by-side.

Anyone have an idea of the best way to proceed? Thanks.

W. Craig Carter
Lord Foundation Professor of Materials Science and Engineering
MIT, Dept. of Materials Science and Engineering 13-5018  77 Massachusetts Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139-4307 USA
617-253-6048  ccarter at mit.edu http://pruffle.mit.edu/~ccarter http://pruffle.mit.edu/~ccarter/I_do_not_use_microsoft.html

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