[texhax] Mailer

tomfool at as220.org tomfool at as220.org
Thu Aug 19 05:25:57 CEST 2004

Hello all:

I have a little newsletter, and it is mailed by folding it over and
stamping the back.  I hacked together a couple of tables in macros,
one that prints the return address and makes a space for a stamp, and
another one for putting in the masthead.  They both work ok, but I
have to remember to put \masthead and \mailer in the text when I'm
getting near the appropriate place to put these bits.

Can anyone help me think of a way to make these always appear in the
same place in the document (masthead at the bottom of column 1 on page
2, mailer at the bottom of page 6, spanning both columns). 

I've tried a bunch of things, and have found a few methods that will
work, but nothing really satisfactory.  Tables work ok, but they often
wind up in the wrong place, especially two-column ones.  Redefining
the footer could work, I would have thought, but redefining
\textheight so it won't write over the footer is a pain.
(i.e. chngpage does work, but seems to require explicit page breaks).

Any thoughts or suggestions are welcome.  Copies of the newsletter are
at whatcheer.net in case the requirement isn't clear.

Many thanks,


 tomfool at as220 dot org

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